Fondazione E. Amaldi coordinates INNO4CFIs project

Rome, 24th July 2023

Fondazione E. Amaldi has signed a €9M+ contract with the European Commission as coordinator of the European Union Project INNO4CFIs in the frame of the I3 Instrument.

INNO4CFIs stands for “Nature-Based Business Model and Emerging INNOvations to enhance Carbon Farming Initiatives (CFIs) while preserving Biodiversity, Water Security and Soil Health” and has a twofold objective:

  1. to promote reforestation practices to increase CO2 uptake while promoting crucial environmental co-benefits such as sustainable freshwater production, dry-land and soil restoration and biodiversity also by integrating space technologies;
  2. to finance highly innovative technologies promoted by SMEs located in I3-eligible countries (EU27), through a cascade funding scheme which will finance a minimum of 42 enterprises.

The overall programme will be developed by a European consortium of high-level experts composed by: Planet, Treedom, Space4good, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, f6s, AB Corporation, Circonnact, University of Salamanca,National Technical University of Athens, AINIA, Novobiom, Treeo, Rancho.

The I3, as part of the European Regional and Development Fund, is a new and innovative programme launched by EISMEA providing advisory and financial support to innovation projects in joint smart specialisation areas on the road towards commercialisation and scale-up giving them the tools to overcome regulatory and other barriers and bring their project to investment level.

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