ESA Business Applications is a program of the European Space Agency that supports commercially and financially the development of products and services based on the use of satellite data. At national level, the program is managed by Fondazione E. Amaldi, through the Ambassador Platform for Italy (AP-IT) and with the support of the Italian Space Agency.

Italy is among the countries that have invested the most in this program, allocating EUR 30M for the 2020-2024 period and in order to support the entire value chain.
AP-IT supports the development of research activities into operational, profitable and self-sustaining products and services. The program is dedicated to the development and implementation of applications that integrate and use data from existing space assets – satellite navigation, satellite telecommunications and earth observation – with other technologies, funding feasibility studies and demonstration projects depending on the TRL (Technology Readiness Level) of each technology. The new products and services developed will foster the innovation and competitiveness of Italian companies in Europe in different thematic areas including health, food & agriculture, transport, security & safety, environmental resource management and energy. All projects in the ESA Business Applications program must have a clear business objective and identify one or more end users. Participation in the program is open to all companies and organizations, public and private, SMEs, public authorities, universities and research centers, but it is also possible to collaborate and form consortia with entities from countries participating in the program.
You can access one of the following types of funding based on the technological level of your idea
Call for proposal
Invitation to tender
Kick-start activities
For guidance, practical information and assistance, visit the dedicated FEA website or write to: